General Paper Sessions
Maximum 15 minute paper with 5 minute question time
All rooms are equiped with computers, projectors, and VGA or HDMI connections.
Please bring any connectors for laptops because not all rooms will be compatible with all laptop models and we are unable to provide individual connectors for all presenters.
We ask all presenters and chairs to arrive at their room 15 minutes prior to their session in order to upload their slides to the computer (should they wish) and/or check system compatibility.

Panel Sessions
Panel group allocates timing, to be kept within 1.5 hours
All panels will be allocated 1.5 hours in total including question time (unless otherwise arranged with the Committee) and panellists can decide how best to allocate each individual paper time allotment.
All rooms are equiped with computers, projectors, and VGA or HDMI connections.
Please bring any connectors for laptops because not all rooms will be compatible with all laptop models and we are unable to provide individual connectors for all presenters.
We ask all presenters and chairs to arrive at their room 15 minutes prior to their session in order to upload their slides to the computer (should they wish) and/or check system compatibility.